In the Matter of
a Complaint by FINAL
Hospital Association, Inc. and Connecticut State Medical Society,
Complainants, Docket #FIC 86-279
Commission on
Hospitals and Health Care,
Respondent January 14, 1987
The above-captioned matter was heard
as a contested case on October 30, 1986, at which time the complainants and the
respondent appeared, stipulated to certain facts, and presented testimony,
exhibits and argument on the complaint.
After consideration of the entire
record the following facts are found:
1. The
respondent is a public agency within the meaning of 1-18a(a), G.S.
2. On
August 26, 1986, the respondent held an unnoticed meeting during a recess of a
special meeting.
3. By
letter of complaint dated and filed with the Commission on September 25, 1986,
the complainants alleged the respondent violated the 1-21(a), G.S.,
requirement that notice be given of all public agency meetings except emergency
meetings. The complainants also alleged
a violation of the 1-21(a), G.S., requirement that all public agency
meetings, except executive sessions, be open to the public. In addition, the complainants asked the
Commission to declare null and void the respondent's decision in Docket No.
85-070 DR, adopted on September 3, 1986.
Docket #FIC
86-279 Page Two
4. The
respondent claims it determined there was an emergency, it could not wait
twenty-four hours to hold a meeting dealing with the emergency, and it
therefore convened an emergency meeting, in accord with 1-21(a), G.S.
5. In
the alternative, the respondent claims the unnoticed meeting was an executive
session for the purpose of discussing
strategy and negotiations of pending claims and litigation, within the
meaning of 1-18a(e)(2), G.S.
6. It
is found that before commencing the unnoticed meeting the respondent did not
determine there was an emergency, did not determine it needed to have a meeting
for which it could not give twenty-four hours notice, and did not convene an
emergency meeting.
7. It
is concluded, therefore, that the respondent violated 1-21(a), G.S.
8. It
is also found that before the unnoticed meeting the respondent did not vote to
go into executive session, publicly state a reason for an executive session, or
otherwise convene an executive session as required by 1-21(a), G.S.
9. Thus
it is concluded that the respondent did not convene properly in executive
session, in violation of 1-21(a), G.S.
10. The
Commission declines to declare null and void the respondent's decision in
Docket No. 85-070 DR.
The following order by the
Commission is hereby recommended on the basis of the record concerning the
above-captioned complaint.
1. Henceforth
the respondent shall act in strict compliance with the terms of 1-21(a),
Approved by order of the Freedom of
Information Commission at its regular meeting of January 14, 1987
Catherine I.
Acting Clerk
of the Commission