Notice of Special Meeting and Agenda

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2:00 PM


The Freedom of Information Commission will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 2:00 PM for the following purpose: 


1.   Consideration of the minutes of the Commission’s regular meeting of November 12, 2008.

2.   Consideration of the following Hearing Officer’s Report:


Docket #FIC 2007-659   Patria Gonzalez v. Freedom of Information Administrator, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction



3.   Consideration of New Britain Superior Court Memorandum of Decision in John Hodge, First Selectman, Town of New Fairfield v. Freedom of Commission and Lucy Dirocco.

4.   Consideration of New Britain Superior Court Memorandum of Decision in John Hodge, First Selectman, Town of New Fairfield v. Freedom of Information and Jody Gemmell.

The meeting will be held at the office of the Freedom of Information Commission, 18-20

Trinity Street, First Floor, Hearing Room A, Hartford, Connecticut.


For further information concerning this meeting, please contact the Commission’s

administrative office at 18-20 Trinity  Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106:  telephone:  (860)




