Notice of Special Meetings


The Freedom of Information Commission will hold special meetings during the week of August 8, 2011 through August 12, 2011 at the specific dates and times listed below.  Each meeting will be held in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, First Floor, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut, for the purpose of conducting a hearing concerning the contested case designated by the corresponding docket number listed below.  For further information concerning these hearings, please contact the Commission’s administrative office at 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106:  telephone (860) 566-5682.


August 8, 2011 11:00 AM FIC 2010-780 David Cummings v. Executive Director, Superior Court Operations, State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch; and State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch
    FIC 2010-781 David Cummings v. Robert Coffey, Director, Human Resources Management Unit, State of Connecticut, Judicial Department; and State of Connecticut, Judicial Department
August 9, 2011 9:30 AM FIC 2011-071 Luis Diaz v. Warden, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction, Northern Correctional Institution; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
  11:00 AM FIC 2011-145 John M. Sylvia, III v. Chief, Police Department, City of West Haven; and Police Department, City of West Haven
August 10, 2011 9:30 AM FIC 2011-015 Hector Robles v. Daryl K. Roberts, Chief, Police Department, City of Hartford; and Police Department, City of Hartford
August 11, 2011 2:00 PM FIC 2011-019 Daniel P. Hunsberger and the Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association Local 786 v. Chief, Turn of the River Fire Department, Inc., City of Stamford
August 12, 2011 9:30 AM FIC 2011-026 Felix Dhaity v. Chief, Police Department, City of Stamford; and Police Department, City of Stamford
  11:00 AM FIC 2011-005 Margaret Miner and the Rivers Alliance of Connecticut v. Water and Sewer Department, Town of Wallingford; and Town of Wallingford
